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8 SCOTT TERRACE REALTY TRUST                                                                   CASE NO. V1404
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on Thursday, May 15, 2014 in Memorial Hall in the Town Hall on the Petition of 8 Scott Terrace Realty Trust for property located at 8 Scott Terrace for a VARIANCE to allow a multi-family development in the R-2 zone.

Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, R. Fraser, J. Deignan and R. Butler.  The Chairman read the application and Findings of Fact.  The secretary read two letters from town staff concerning this case.  The letters were from Isabel McCauley, Senior Civil Engineer and Pamela Harding, Town Planner/Conservation Agent.

Attorney Stephanie M. Goodwin, representing the applicants, addressed the Board.  Hill Woods is a development that was approved under the Affordable Housing Bylaw.  The developer constructed 7 units, including one affordable unit.  After over a year and not finding a buyer, the Planning Board issued an amendment to remove one affordable unit.  The developer then abandoned the project leaving the existing condominium owners with an unfinished project including construction items.  It has been at least 7 years the owners have dealt with this problem.  They approached Atty. Goodwin to see what could be done because they took this project over themselves and have spent a great deal of their own money.  Attempts to negotiate with MTB Corporation, the original developer, has been unsuccessful; they want to be released of all responsibilities.  

R. Fraser asked questions about the bank, bond and escrow.  Atty. Goodwin said Spencer Savings Bank is still holding the outstanding loan and refuses to foreclose on the project.  The condominium owners would like to sell the development rights to a builder for the remaining duplex and use the funds to finish outstanding construction items.  However, a variance is required by the Zoning Board to allow a multi-family development in the R-2 zone.  Atty. Goodwin met with the Planning Board on Tuesday, May 13th to amend the subdivision approval to remove an existing condition incorporating conditions from the Special Permit.

Gary Christenson, 8 Scott Terrace, #502, said he bought his condominium about 18 months ago, one month before the developer went bankrupt.  He is a single parent and this situation has created a financial hardship.  Loan requests have been denied because there is a $500,000 mortgage showing as unpaid.  Karen Taylor, 45 High Ridge Road, said the condominium owners are good neighbors and they work very hard.  She urged the Town to do whatever they could to help these people.  

R. Fraser made a motion to continue the public hearing until Tuesday, May 27th for a joint meeting with the Planning Board.  R. Butler seconded.  Vote 4-0, motion approved.

                                                                Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman